Student Disability Appeal Policy and Procedures

赌博正规的十大网站致力于提供一个没有种族歧视和骚扰的环境, 信条, color, 宗教, national or ethnic origin, disability, veteran status, 年龄, marital status, genetic information, 性, 性ual orientation, 性别, 性别 identity or expression or perceived 性别, 怀孕, or any other status protected under local, state or federal law. 有关学院禁止歧视的更多信息,请参阅学院的 Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Procedures.

Accordingly, 这是赌博正规的十大网站的政策,以确保没有合格的残疾学生被剥夺的福利, excluded from participation in, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any college program or activity, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and other pertinent disability-related laws.

应合格的残疾学生提出的请求, 学院会安排提供合理的学业调整/住宿(例如.g., extended time on exams, course substitutions, housing accommodations) and auxiliary aids and services (e.g., accessible formats of print materials, (手语翻译)由学院确定为学生提供充分参与大学项目的机会所必需的. It is the responsibility of the Director of Accessibility Resources, who also serves as the college's ADA/504 Coordinator, 维护学生根据第504条获得访问和住宿的权利, 《赌博正规的十大网站》, and other pertinent disability-related laws.

学生可以对有关确定或提供合理的学术调整/住宿或辅助援助和服务的决定提出上诉. 本政策和以下程序涉及残疾状况的判断和/或提供住宿. Any Colorado College student may use these procedures. 学生应在他们希望上诉的判决后30个日历日内启动上诉程序. 这些程序并不打算取代或重复学院的非歧视和反骚扰政策和程序下的现有申诉程序.

如果学生觉得自己在入学和住宿方面没有得到公平或专业的对待,我们鼓励他们遵循以下程序. 学院坚持学生自我倡导的理念,并有权通过正式上诉程序进行上诉. 然而, prior to initiating the formal appeal procedures set down below, 建议学生尽一切努力以非正式的方式解决问题.

Retaliation against persons who file an appeal under this policy, bring complaints of discrimination in good faith, or assist in a related investigation is prohibited.

Student Responsibilities:

  1. 学生应与适当的指导老师讨论有关确定残疾状态或提供学术调整/住宿或辅助辅助和服务的问题, 部门, or office representative directly, unless extenuating circumstances prohibit doing so.
  2. If a conversation with the appropriate college instructor, 部门, or office representative does not lead to a resolution, 然后,学生应该与该部门或办公室的负责人讨论这个问题.
  3. 如果与部门或办公室负责人的会议没有达成解决方案, 学生应与无障碍资源主任讨论这些问题.
  4. 如果无障碍资源主任无法协助非正式地解决学生的关切, the student will be referred to the formal appeal procedure.
  5. If the Director of Accessibility Resources is involved in the matter, 学生应该跳过第三步,与负责学生公平的高级副院长讨论这些问题 & 包括(罗莎莉·罗德里格斯,位于沃纳校园中心的管家中心,719-389-6897, If the Senior Associate Dean for Student Equity & Inclusion is unable to assist in informally resolving the student's concern(s), the student will be referred to the formal appeal procedure.
  1. 有关学业调整/住宿或辅助援助和服务的决定的上诉必须以书面形式提出. 学生应在他们希望上诉的判决后30个日历日内启动上诉程序.
  2. The student's written statement must include: a) a clear statement of the request or concern; b) the grounds on which the appeal is based; c) the date of any action that the student is appealing; d) the names of all Colorado College employees involved; e) a summary of the action(s) the student has taken to resolve the matter informally, if any; and f) a statement of the student's expectation of specific outcome.
  3. 书面申诉必须提交给学院院长,首席运营官
    or designee if the matter is academic (e.g., 如果上诉与学生生活有关,则由负责学生生活的副校长/学生事务主任或指定人员(例如.g., housing accommodations).
Academic Concerns:
Pedro de Araujo
Dean of the College, Chief Operating Officer
Office of the Dean of the College
Armstrong Hall 100
Colorado College
14 E. Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Student Life Concerns:
Lacy Karpilo
Vice President for Student Life/Dean of 学生
Office of Student Life
Armstrong Hall 107
Colorado College
14 E. Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Upon receipt of the appeal, 学院副院长/院长或指定人员或负责学生生活的副院长/院长或指定人员, as appropriate, 是否会审查这些上诉程序的及时性和适当性,并向学生提供书面通知,确认其收到.
  1. The Dean of the College, 首席运营官或指定人员或负责学生生活的副总裁/学生事务主任或指定人员, as appropriate, 是否会立即启动校园调查,并在做出最终决定时咨询无障碍资源总监或寻求其他专业知识.
  2. The Dean of the College, 首席运营官或指定人员或负责学生生活的副总裁/学生事务主任或指定人员, as appropriate, 是否会与投诉人和被投诉人同时会面,提供口头证词和证据的机会.
  3. Upon completion of the investigation, the Dean of the College, 首席运营官或指定人员或负责学生生活的副总裁/学生事务主任或指定人员, as appropriate, will submit to the student, the party against whom the appeal is directed, and the Director of Accessibility Resources, 一份载有调查摘要和决议结果的最后报告,在首次提交后45个日历天内提交,如果时间紧迫,可在更短时间内提交.
  4. The formal appeal file and the final decision shall be confidential, but the final decision shall be provided to the complainant, the respondent, and the Director of Accessibility Resources.
  5. 正式申诉档案和所有调查材料应保存在学院院长办公室, 首席运营官或指定人员或负责学生生活的副总裁/学生事务主任或指定人员, as appropriate, until ten years after the file was created.
  6. If the student is dissatisfied with the appeal decision, 学生可以根据赌博正规的十大网站的非歧视政策提出投诉.

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Additional Information

For additional information on appeal and grievance procedures, 联络无障碍资源主任(无障碍资源办公室), Armstrong 219, 719-227-8285). In all appeal and grievance cases, 无障碍资源总监可以向学生提供各种内部和外部选择. 学生有责任满足提出上诉或申诉的所有条件

Report an issue - Last updated: 11/30/2023